Amazon EKS Clusters Locally on AWS Outposts

Reading Time: 9 minutes AWS recently announced the availability of Amazon EKS local clusters on AWS Outposts. It means that now users can run the Amazon EKS cluster entirely on Outposts, including the Kubernetes control plane and nodes. To make things easier, AWS now allows you to host your entire Amazon EKS cluster on Outposts. Let’s see what else […]

How to create test cases and start testing the JavaScript code using Mocha?

Reading Time: 9 minutes Better architecture results from well-tested code. It is always simpler to change and improve. Jest, Jasmine, Mocha, QUnit, Karma, Cypress, and other test-driven development tools are available for JavaScript, just as they are for any other programming language. In this blog, we will show you the full implementation of how to create test cases and […]

Create & Use Standalone Components in Angular 14

Reading Time: 8 minutes App development is now super-simple and quicker with the new features including standalone components in Angular 14. Because of the standalone components, the use of NgModules has now become optional. The Angular developer community strives to provide web developers with better versions of the TypeScript-based framework while also allowing them to stay on track with […]

How to set up a PM2 daemon process manager for a Node.js application?

Reading Time: 9 minutes Process management encompasses a wide range of activities centered on the creation, termination, and monitoring of processes. A process manager is a program that ensures that your applications remain operational after they have been launched. Process managers can prevent production downtime by restarting your application automatically after a crash or even after the host machine […]

Connect Snowflake with Python and execute queries

Reading Time: 5 minutes Snowflake cloud data warehouse is a buzzing trend in managing data these days as it has advantages like cost-effectiveness, auto-scaling, easy-to-transform data, etc. over traditional data warehouses. It is greatly assisting organizations in terms of its critical role in ELT (Extract-Load-Transform). Python is a very popular programming language that is used for data manipulation, ML, […]

Perform a Session-based User Authentication in Express.js

Reading Time: 10 minutes While it is possible to render static websites from a server, this approach has many limitations, including code duplication and a lack of flexibility — particularly when it comes to reading data from a database. Fortunately, Express.js includes a template engine that allows us to generate dynamic HTML pages from our server-side applications. A template […]

How to detect operational issues in Lambda Function automatically with Amazon DevOps Guru for Serverless?

Reading Time: 8 minutes Hands-on In this hands-on, we will see how we can detect operational issues in Lambda Function with Amazon DevOps Guru for Serverless. We will first log in and navigate to the AWS console. Then, we will change the region to the one that has Amazon DevOps Guru available. Navigating to the Amazon DevOps Guru dashboard, […]

Amazon DevOps Guru for Serverless

Reading Time: 9 minutes With digitalization and the cloud assuming responsibility for the development and deployment of new features in software applications, error handling is a critical activity that aids in faster deployment. Any error in the chain, from writing code to deploying to monitoring performance, can degrade customer experience, increase costs, or immediately disrupt critical services. Amazon has […]

How to upload single or multiple images to a local directory with Multer in Node.js?

Reading Time: 7 minutes The most fundamental operation of any application is a file upload. While images can be uploaded on the front end, they must be received via an API and database on the backend. You can set up file and image uploads in one place using Multer and Express, a Node.js framework. In this blog, we will […]

How to make use of an npm package Highcharts to plot Network Graphs in Angular?

Reading Time: 8 minutes Angular, an open-source web application framework, is a popular choice among web developers. To create flexibility for users to plot network graphs with the provided data, we will demonstrate how to make use of an npm package Highcharts to plot Network Graphs in Angular. In this blog, we will cover: What is Highcharts? What is […]

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